Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Put it in the Curry

I can say Deoxyribonucleic without a conscious thought but Cardamom I cannot say without my face screwing up in concentration and spelling it first in my head and then reading the image phonetically. Why should this be?


MacDuff said...

There is a sketch from the Spike Milligan Q Series featuring some Pakastani Daleks who after blasting the 'good guys' chant 'Put it in the Curry'. I havent seen this but Spikes's 'Put it in the curry' I have heard many times.
The wretched BBC will not release the Q series to DVD because Spike is not PC enough for them. They should all be shot.

Sir Compton Valence said...

I have the same trouble with apothecary. Anyone saying "Put it in the apothecary" might also have to be shot, especially if the apothecary made a fuss.

FBT said...

Because you are a science-nerd and not a television chef?

Neutron said...

It's in your DNA mate.