Thursday, December 01, 2005

Llandrindod Wells again - yesterday.
The sign outside the news agents reads, 'Proud to be local'
There is something deeply wrong philosophicaly with that.
How can you be proud to be local? Everybody is local, except God and since he is everywhere even He is local.
How can you be proud of something you share with everybody else? Its like saying "I am proud to be human" - meaningless unless you a trying to make your dog feel inferior about his genetic code.


FBT said...

There are some sad souls - and I am one of them - who are not really local anywhere. I am not local in HK because I am an expat. I am not local in the UK because I am a Malaysian. I am not local in Malaysia because I don't live there anymore.
But I agree with you that being local is not something to be proud of. You might as well congratulate yourself for being tall. Or having hands.

Anonymous said...

I can understand the sentiment "proud to be local". It is perfectly acceptable.

MacDuff said...

All three of us Paul , Tlon and me are interpreting 'local' differently its a wonder the human race ever agrees on anything !

Anonymous said...

I suspect "proud to be local" means something like "American owned and operated".

MacDuff said...

Not in Llandod I think - they havent found it yet.

Anonymous said...

Well this is just a sign advertising the local paper.

MacDuff said...

Yes but presumably it means what it says and what it says is meaningless.