Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Head of beheading

From the Times
Four men pleaded guilty today over a plot to kidnap and behead a member of the Armed Forces from Birmingham city centre. The group, headed by Parviz Khan, a 38-year-old unemployed charity worker, was arrested in February last year……………

What does an ‘unemployed charity worker’ do for a living when he is working.?


MacDuff said...

In the Guardian I see he is an unemployed teachers assistant. Surely he is just unemployed or do you need professional qualifications these days to assist teachers or work for a charity?

Julie said...

Most charities employ some of their people in a professional capacity. :-)

Come read my blog, MacDuff, I have just written some thoughts about the William James essay.

MacDuff said...

What I meant but didnt say clearly was that a Doctor who is not working could be described as an unemployed Doctor or a bricklayer who was unemployed could be described as an unemployed bricklayer but what are the skills of a charity worker that you could point to that would identify them as a group.
I will just reread The 'will to believe' and then have a look at what youve got to say tomorrow.

Neutron said...

Probably just a euphemnism...to avoid putting 'unemployed head-chopper-offer'on his claim form.

FBT said...

Neutron, at least he was being proactive in trying to seek employment in the head-chopper-offer field. Love that old get-on-yer-bike spirit.