Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ode to a four penny stamp

Just remembered a poem I wrote when working in the Post office aged about 20 it went, and don’t worry I only remember 4 or 5 lines;

Oh fourpenny blue thy radiant face
Hath led me wandering from this place
To happier lands wherein thy grace
Doth sparkle like the wine etc, etc.

I don’t mind repeating this drivel here because it was meant to be funny at the time. Obviously under the influence of Edgar Allen Poe I notice.

This was for a Post Office staff magazine called the ‘Southeaster’.
I also remember writing for Post Magazine , the main Union magazine, a letter pointing out that they should all stop complaining about salary and conditions and get on with their work and that more of them should follow the example of those in our office and demand an immediate cut in salary to help the country out in these difficult times.
The phone didn’t stop ringing and I received one death threat from somebody in a menacing Geordie accent.
They didn’t seem to appreciate my sense of humour either.

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